Heel click... WOO HOO!!! |
In the picture above, DP pretty much sums up all of the emotions felt during this phase of life for everyone involved in the process of DP becoming a missionary- hence, the title of this post!:) This last month was fantastic as he took a couple of giant spiritual steps towards achieving this goal. Earlier in the month, DP was ordained an Elder & received the Melchizadek Priesthood- now he's able to bless & baptize! Then on New Year's Eve, he took his endowments out in the St. George Temple- a great way to end 2010!!!:) The love & support DP received was overwhelming, all from friends & family that were able & unable to share this special day with him- The Pedersen's thank you all for that love & support!
All the family that attended from left to right:
Shad, Uncle Ryan & Aunt Dede, Mom, DP, Dad, Mamma,
Aunt Meggin & Uncle Daniel, Shane & Lonna.
(Not pictured is Aunt Lexa, who was taking this pic!:)) |
The Momma & her son! |
DP & the proud parents |
This was too sweet not to post...
Mamma & her 7th Grandson!:) |
It was an amazing & special day for all- one that won't soon be forgotten! As mentioned in previous posts, we are all so very proud of you DP... Keep up the good work, Brudda!